I cannot believe that my little girl is 7 months old. These past few months have flown by--absolutely flown. It was just yesterday that she would fall asleep in my arms and snuggle up on my chest. Now, she refuses to snuggle much. She is always on the go. She has learned to crawl correctly even though she is almost always in dresses. She can go from laying down to sitting up to standing up. She is on the verge of walking around things. In short, she is mobile. She loves the fireplace and little toys-both to her parent's dismay.
This month she learned what a tu-tu was and that she was pretty in it! She has also started to leave her bows in--her mother is very proud!
Her hair has also grown in very well. We can now do pig tails. Oh,the fun her mother has with her hair, her clothes, and her toys.
She loves to play with toys especially the ones in the basket. She enjoys pulling them out, chewing on them and then passing them on.
She had her first hospitalization this month too. She had a cold that ended in some breathing issues. Her oxygen level was low, but we were able to go home within a day.
Mary-Elizabeth loves purses and jewelry. She adores being a girl, but also loves to play with balls.
In all, this last month has been one to remember. The boys love that she can crawl to them and hate it that she loves to chew on their toys. Micah has really taken to her and has learned how to make her belly laugh. Stephen continues to kiss her consistently. Joshua is the one who can always make her smile. Kaleb loves to hold her and carry her around.
All and all, it is a pretty good life!
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