Family of Warriors

Family of Warriors

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Look Who is 3 Months Old

Today my Baby girl is 3 months old. In 3 short months, she has changed my life. I am eternally grateful to be her mother and her brothers love to be right beside her. She has melted our hearts. She already has Daddy wrapped around her fingers. He can always get a smile out of her. It drives me nuts!

Mary-Elizabeth loves sucking her fingers, the fan moving, and being the center of attention. She is sleeping well at night and is slowly letting the fussy stage go away! She weights 17 pounds and is 24 inches tall.

Last weekend we moved her to her own room. She slept great, but Mommy and Daddy sure did miss her little noises.

She recently wore her first pair of jeans with ruffles. Oh, so cute! We love dressing her up.

Stephen loves playing with her!

I'm not screaming, I'm making a joyful noise unto God!

Seriously another picture.

Happy Girl!

1 comment:

Becky's Place said...

She sure is a cutie! I love that dress on her. Every time I see it I think, She's so beautiful in that dress! (Not that I don't think she's adorable anyway! :)