Family of Warriors

Family of Warriors

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The Annual Things I Love

Every year on my birthday, I like to write about the things that I love. I can't really decide how many to write this year. So, I am just gonna write until I am too tired or get interupted....

  • I love going into Mary-Elizabeth's room in the middle of night because of the light pink glow.

  • I love watching Mark play backyard football with the boys. It always is good for a laugh!

  • I love to watch the fire glow in the fireplace.

  • I love the way my boys come to me for hugs when they wake up.

  • I love the way Mark smiles at me from across the room.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday

Look Who is 3 Months Old

Today my Baby girl is 3 months old. In 3 short months, she has changed my life. I am eternally grateful to be her mother and her brothers love to be right beside her. She has melted our hearts. She already has Daddy wrapped around her fingers. He can always get a smile out of her. It drives me nuts!

Mary-Elizabeth loves sucking her fingers, the fan moving, and being the center of attention. She is sleeping well at night and is slowly letting the fussy stage go away! She weights 17 pounds and is 24 inches tall.

Last weekend we moved her to her own room. She slept great, but Mommy and Daddy sure did miss her little noises.

She recently wore her first pair of jeans with ruffles. Oh, so cute! We love dressing her up.

Stephen loves playing with her!

I'm not screaming, I'm making a joyful noise unto God!

Seriously another picture.

Happy Girl!

My Dad

Recently, Kaleb was given an assignment to do a character sketch on a family member. I would like to share with you what he wrote.

Hello I'm Kaleb and I'm going to tell you about my Dad. My Dad use to run an ice cream store, but they went bankrupt. Now he's in the military and I am happy my Dad serves our country. My Dad and I love sweets his favorite is snickers. He taught me how to play baseball. He started me on drinking cofee Mmmm. My Dad has gotten a lot of awards. (and from me good looking awards!) I am proud of my Dad. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. My Dad is tall and skinny. He has a wonderful smile. He also has blue eyes. PS. Go Daddy Go

[I typed this directly from his paper.]

Joshua was also given an assignment: "List 4 things your mother or father does for you."

My dad prays with me. My dad helps me. My dad will play.

It might not be 4 things, but it along with Kaleb's sketch spoke volumes. His children will rise and call him blessed. I am so thankful to have a loving father for my children.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Monday, 12 October 2009

A Walk of Faith

Lately, I have been floating through this world. I go from point A to point B and not realize the blessings that God has given me. I don't give Him the praise He deserves. All of the sudden, God opened my eyes to see the enormous amount of prayers that has been answered. Some prayers I don't think I uttered with my lips, but with my deepest longings of my heart.

Recently, I found a pearl earring in my couch. Not a big deal until you realize that I lost it 4 years ago. Since then, we have moved 3 times. God knew my heart was wanting my earring and He blessed me unexpectedly.

Another answered prayer was baby blankets. Inside my heart, I wondered how I could have sweet, girly baby blankets for Mary-Elizabeth. I have several boy blankets, but I wanted girly ones too! I knew our budget could not replace all the boys things. God knew that too! He put it on the hearts of several women and I received 6+ blankets for Mary-Elizabeth that were homemade with love and prayer. I also received several other beautiful, girly blankets. God gave me more than I ever anticipated.

Answered prayers are all around me. I see God working through my children, through my husband, through my church and through me. I see him healing relationships. I see him floating our family on a slim budget. I see Him doing amazing things all around me.

However, I still live in fear. God is asking my family to walk out on the water and stay afloat by faith. We are at a cross roads of huge proportions. I must trust God and not man. I must affirm my faith in the one true God by believing in Him.

Mark is separating from the military in a few months. In less than 5 months, Mark is going to need another job...we are going to need another house...we are going to change our world. We will no longer be apart of the military forces..we will be civilians. This is somewhat scary--I mean real scary. The part that gets me on my knees is not having a paycheck or any direction of where to go. All I know through God's confirmation is that Mark should separate. The rest I must leave at the foot of Jesus.

Trusting God with my finances and physical future is a wild ride for me, but one that is even more wild is trusting God with the size of my family. Mark and I are learning how to trust God completely in this area. God is asking me to have faith that He knows what is best for each of our children-born and unborn, for Mark and for myself. One thing I have learned in having more children is that I can do less on my strength and need more of Him. Maybe that is the point of faith--total dependence on God.

So, as I walk out in the unknown, I must believe in God. I must trust His Sovereign plan. I must believe God to be huge in all circumstances. I must die to my selfish desires and live for the One and Only.

In believing in God, I must remember who He is. In order to remember who He is, I must remember what He has done for me in good times and bad times. Through those moments in time, my faith has expanded. With my expanded faith, I shall praise Him more. He alone is my rock, my shelter and my Him who shall I trust?

So, today I choose to walk by faith in the One who created me...the One who loves me...the One who gave up His life for me...the One and Only.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Micah Allen

Last month, Micah turned 2 years old. I love the age of 2. He is learning new things everyday. I am so pleased that God saw fit for us to raise Micah Allen. Micah has a great personality and it normally comes out in pictures. I thought in celebrating his 2nd Birthday I would take a look back!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009