Family of Warriors

Family of Warriors

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Update from the Cardiologist

Well, basically I have no good answers. The Doctor does not think that I have issues with my heart. He believes that something else went wrong and my heart just reacted. He believes my heart is healthy for pregnancy and delivery.

However, we are doing a few tests to rule out heart issues. First, today I look like a mummy under my clothes. I have a monitor for the next 24 hours. This will tell them if I have an irregular heartbeat.

Next, tomorrow I will have an echo cardiogram on my heart. This will show how the blood supply and valves are working. I feel confident that I will be fine. Just going through the motions.

I am thankful for your prayers and love and we are doing very well. We are blessed to have you as our family and friends.

I will keep you updated as time proceeds and I get more information. I should get the results sometime next week.

Much Love and Adoration,
Super Momma


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and your family. Please post updates once you find out anything, we're all worried. Also, Vance & I are pulling for you to have a girl...I think it's time you got some more estrogen in the house to balance things out. :o)

Unknown said...

What a sweet note. Thank you for your encouragement. I am definitely being tested, but I know my God is faitful and will stand by me and guide me. I just continue to learn how to trust Him with my every breath.

Hope to see you and Vance soon. So grateful that you two are on fb. Makes it fun to keep up. You both encourage me so much!

Anonymous said...

I knew it!!!...well, I didn't really, but I HOPED it! Congratulations! I'm doing a "happy dance" for you right now. You should have seen Vance's face when I told him. He lit up so much, you'd think he was having the baby. :) We love you all!