Well, 24 hours ago my life changed. During dinner, a mighty good dinner I might add, I had an episode. At least, that is what we call it. My vision became tunnel, my heart began to race and I thought I could fall over at any moment. I made it to my blood pressure machine to see what was going on. All the while the family is in disarray.
My blood pressure was 135/101 and my pulse was 165. I thought my heart was going to leap from my chest. I was in distress. Mark called someone to watch the boys. Oh, in the meantime of the episode. Stephen came over and began to vomit. He has had the stomach virus since last Saturday. We are one of the lucky ones to have the 7-10 day virus.
So, after working out a few details, Mark and I went to the ER on base. I was able to get in quite quickly and hooked up to monitors and oxygen. I thought I must look horrible. They ran a test on my upper body to look for blood clots. I didn't have one. They also ran a few blood and urine tests.
I praise God because the baby is good and I do not have preeclampsia. However, they are uncertain what is wrong. One theory is that I had a small blood clot that went through my lungs.
I am feeling well and my blood pressure and pulse are back to normal of 105/70 pulse 85. I am grateful for the ability to maneuver around.
I did see my ob/gyn today. I go on Monday to a cardiologist to do further evaluation. I did get to see our sweet baby on the screen. She/he was moving everywhere and playing with her/his hair and sucking her/his thumb. Sounds like a girl to me, but the umbilical cord was in the way and Mark could not tell. Sounds even more like a little girl to me.
So, please pray for me as I work through the situation and assimilate the images and feelings. I pray that I would not live in fear, but take full joy in every day stuff. Thank you Jesus that you did not fall off your throne the moment I became sick. He is still there and comforts my family through the trials and joy of this pregnancy.
I will try to keep you updated...Super Momma
My prayer for you is Psalm 91:1-2.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Thanks Sheilia, God's word is my every breath and living bread. It is always great to have a new Scripture to cling to.
I will definitely be praying for you Susan. I love you.
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