Family of Warriors

Family of Warriors

Friday, 5 September 2008

The Heart of the Matter

Lately, I have been going a bit crazy with doctor appointments. Nothing is wrong in a major way, but none the less little things keep going out of sync. Normally one child at a time is ill, but lately I have had 3 out of 4.

My youngest just had tubes put in his ears after fighting ear infections for about 11 months. The surgery went better than I could have hoped. We saw the hand of God from the moment Micah woke up that day until we went to bed.

My second youngest, Stephen, has had stomach issues since he had intusseption at the age of 18 months. After x-rays and meds, we have decided to go and see a 'specialist.'

My oldest, Kaleb, has had several issues and we have traveled several times to go and see thus far 3 different specialists. We have 2 more to go! After several tests and more to go, Kaleb continues to be up beat and excited about the adventure. Now, that is a God thing!

This got me to thinking...

I began to realize that although my children look healthy on the outside the inside is a bit off. I could see some of those symptoms outwardly, but mainly my children acted just like themselves. Never did I think an ordinary check up would lead me down the path to several more appointments and tests.

This got me to thinking....

Although my children look spiritually healthy on the outside (except for the occasional redirection of attitudes), could the inside be extremely sick. I wonder if I could come up with a Spiritual MRI. I could see any disease that was attacking their heart. I could attack it with all my strength and help my children to get well. I could "nip it in the bud." I wouldn't have to wait for the outpouring of their heart to come through their actions.

This got me to thinking...

Could I be so in tuned with God to notice the tiniest infraction of an attitude that needs to be changed? What about the mind that needs to be transformed? The heart that needs to be created new? Oh, I would be able to change the attitude of my home, my church, my city, my state, my world. I could change the world- one prayer at a time- one heart at a time-one act of obedience at a time.

This got me to thinking...

Maybe all I need is that which God has required. I need to do justice in and out of my home. I need to love kindness in and out of my home. And I need to walk humbly with my God in and out of my home. (Micah 6:8 paraphrased)

Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2

Now your turn to think...

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